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Perks & Benefits

Earn Extra Income

Hosting a Cash2Bitcoin ATM is an opportunity to increase traffic and cashflow in your business. Cash2Bitcoin ATMs take up minimal floor space and requires little upkeep. Any needed maintenance will be handled by our team of experts.

Get More Customers

Increased foot traffic is a large benefit of hosting a Cash2Bitcoin ATM. A new demographic of customers may begin frequenting your business as you offer them a service they are looking for. Your current customers may also stop in more regularly to utilize the ATM.

Grow Local Interest

Your business can be on the forefront of the new method of payment for goods and services. Bringing a Bitcoin ATM into your community will encourage other local business to do so well. Start the movement and grow your local economy.

Trusted brand with locations across the US

First-hand experience as an ATM ISO

Low-to-no cost

No hassle program

Earn extra income

Differentiate from your competitors

Host A Cash2Bitcoin Machine

Bitcoin ATMs are growing in popularity as more companies accept Bitcoin as payment. Now you can take advantage of a zero-risk, zero-cost opportunity for your business.

    Cash2Bitcoin makes it convenient for anyone to buy cryptocurrencies “in person with cash“ and “online with debit card“.

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